The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony (English)



The Diocese has provided resources for the English-speaking faithful to understand and participate in the liturgical services for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

Click here to open/download:

- Holy Matrimony Service Book  (Cover + Text)

- Holy Matrimony Service Book (Text only)

- Holy Matrimony Service Book Cover

To print the booklet:

1) Save the pdf file to your computer

2) Open the pdf file and select "Print"

3) Under the option for Page Size & Handling select “Booklet”

4) Under the option for Booklet Subset select “Both Sides

5) Under Orientation, be sure to select “Auto-rotate pages within each sheet

To help in learning the tunes, here are recordings of select hymns. You can download the songs by right-clicking on the desired songs and selecting "save link as".

English Wedding Hymns

The English tones were patterned after the Syriac tones taught by Rev. Fr. N. K. Koruthu Malpan

Malayalam Wedding Hymns by Rev. Fr. N.K. Koruthu Malpan


These English hymns were versified according to the Syriac tones, using the prose translated by Fr. Dr. Baby Varghese. We hope this encourages congregational singing at the wedding services, and alleviates the need for specialized choirs/instruments. We welcome any suggestions/comments to improve upon the text and the phrasing of the hymns. Please email them to Dn. Saju Varghese at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (please reference title of the hymn and page number in the booklet)

Special thanks to Jibin George (St. Thomas, Houston) who formatted the booklet and cover, Anju Varghese (St. Thomas, Houston) who helped with the recordings, and to Alan Alex (St. Gregorios, Dallas) who edited the recordings

We pray that this may help our English-speaking faithful to sing and understand the meaningful liturgical hymns composed by our Church Fathers about the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church,Diocese of South-West America, 3101 Hopkins Rd Beasley, TX 77417 Ph: 281.403.0670 · Fax: 281-459-0814

Copyright © 2009 Diocese of South-West America. All Rights Reserved.