In 2011, Fr. Dr. Baby Varghese graciously translated the Good Friday Service from Syriac into English Prose. This allowed for the English-speaking Orthodox faithful to have an understanding, but they were still unable to participate and worship in song, until now.
Click here to open/ download the Good Friday Hymns(English) booklet:
To print the booklet:
1) Save the pdf file to your computer
2) Open the pdf file and select "Print"
3) Under the option for Page Size & Handling select “Booklet”
4) Under the option for Booklet Subset select “Both Sides
5) Under Orientation, be sure to select “Auto-rotate pages within each sheet”
To help in learning the tunes, here are recordings of select hymns. You can download the songs by righ-clicking on the desired songs and selecting "save link as"..
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (please reference title of the hymn and page number in the booklet). Once the entire Office of Good Friday is complete, it may be submitted to the Holy Synod for approval.
In the meantime, this has been approved by the Diocesan Metropolitan for use in the Diocese of South-West America. If desiring to use in another Diocese, please receive the consent of the presiding Diocesan Metropolitan. Special thanks to Ms. Sangeetha Thomas (St. Mary’s Valiyapalli, Dallas) who compiled and formatted the book, and to Mr. Alan Alex (St. Gregorios, Dallas), who edited the recordings.
We pray that this may help our younger generation participate and understand the meaningful liturgical hymns composed by our Church Fathers about the Passion of our Lord.