The Diocese has provided resources for the English-speaking faithful to understand and participate in the Service of Reconciliation, or the Shubqono (Forgiveness) service. It is traditionally done on Monday, the first day of the Great Lent after the canonical office of the Sixth Hour
Click here to open/ download the Shubqono FULLService booklet:
Click here to open/ download the Shubqono CONGREGATION Service booklet:
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2) Open the pdf file and select "Print"
3) Under the option for Page Size & Handling select “Booklet”
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To help in learning the tunes, here are recordings of select hymns. You can download the songs by righ-clicking on the desired songs and selecting "save link as"..
- Eniyono (O Lord Merciful One)
- Qolo1 Quqoyo (O Blessed Tree)
- Qolo2 (Let us Love One Another)
- B'outo1 (O Lord Our Lord)
- Pethgomo (Hymn before the Gospel)
- Qolo3 (O Lord I Knock on Your Door)
- B’outo2 (O Lord our Lord)
This book contains the entire service for the Service of Reconciliation (Shubqono). These hymns were versified according to the Syriac tones, using the prose translated by Fr. Dr. Baby Varghese. We welcome any suggestions/comments to improve upon the text and the phrasing of the hymns. Please email them to Dn. Pradeep Hatcher at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (please reference title of the hymn and page number in the booklet).
Special thanks to Dn. Pradeep Hatcher (St. Gregorios Orthodox Mission Parish, Spokane, WA) for versifying the English prose into hymns and formatting/compiling the book, and to Mr. Alan Alex (St. Gregorios, Dallas), who edited the audio recordings.
We pray that this may help our English-speaking faithful to sing and understand the meaningful liturgical hymns composed by our Church Fathers about the Service of Reconciliation to begin the Great Lent. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon us all.