H.G Mathews Mar Severios to celebrate St. Thomas Perunal at St. Thomas Cathedral, Houston
St. Thomas Orthodox Cathedral Houston to Celebrate Feast of St. Thomas on July 2- July 4. H.G. Dr Mathews Mar Severius , Secretary of the Holy Episcopal Synod and Metropolitan of Kandanad West will be the Chief Celebrant on July 4th.
Rev.Fr. K.Y. Wilson ( St. Paul’s Orthodox church , Plano, TX) will lead the devotional address on July 2 Friday evening and Rev. Fr Mathews George (St. George Indian Orthodox Church, San Antonio) will lead the devotional address on July 3rd Saturday evening. The Holy Qurbana starts at 8:00 AM on July 4th Sunday followed by Raasa , benediction and Lunch .
St. Thomas Houston Perunal Schedule ( Click here to see the Flyer )
Friday, July 2
Flag Raising @ 6:00 PM
Evening Prayer @ 6:15 PM followed by Devotional by Rev.Fr. K.Y. Wilson
Saturday, July 3
Bazaar @ 9 AM – 1:00 PM
Evening Prayer @ 6:00 PM followed by Devotional by Rev. Fr Mathews George
Sunday, July 4
Holy Qurbana 8:00 AM
Raasa, Benediction and Lunch immediately after Holy Qurbana