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Orthodox Christian Youth Movement (OCYM)
The Orthodox Christian Youth Movement (OCYM) was established in 1936 as a ministry to contribute to the goodness and progress of the Church and community in the three-fold path of worship, study and service. It aims at moulding the minds and visions of the youth against the background of the contemporary issues. Click to read more on the rich history of this spiritual organization.
The goals of this ministry are as follows:
- Means to identify the power and potentialities of the youth, and channel their strength towards peaceful purposes in the contemporary church and social scenario
- Leading the youth to the main streams of the church and society at large
- Addressing the present day issues more meaningfully through seminar, workshops, discussions and conferences.
- Activating talent development and guidance cells.
- Proclamation of the Essence of the Living Word (Vachanatmaghosham)
- Conducting Workshops on the annual theme ‘perspectives of outliving’
- Making the youth aware of the contemporary issues and enable them to respond to social issues
For more information, please contact:
Rev. Fr. Thomas Mathew Vice President 214-597-8604 |
Office Bearers
HH Baselious Marthoma Didimos I.
HG Dr. Yoohanon Mar Milithios.
Vice President
Rev. Fr. Koshy John
General Secretary
Rev. Fr. Spencer Koshy
Sri. Oommen John
Executive Committee Members
Rev. Fr. Biju Mathew
Mr. G.Samkutty, Trivandrum
Mr. Ajesh TP, Idukky
Mr. Saji Andrews, Malabar
Central Secretaries
Rev.Fr. Titus John
Mr. PK Thomas, Thumpamon
Mr.AK Joseph, Kottayam
Mr. Biju KY, Kandanad
Mr. Anu Joy, Chennai
Mr. Alex, Manappurathu, Niranam
Mr. Biju V Panthaplavu (Yuvajanam Chief Editor)
Mr.John P George, Dubai (Gulf Region)
Diocesan Vice Presidents and General Secretaries
Rev. Fr. Jacob George (Vice President)
Mr. G.Samkutty (General Secretary)
Rev. Fr. Nelson John (Vice President)
Rev. Fr. John T Varghese (General Secretary)
Rev. Fr. Biju Mathew (Vice President)
Mr.P K Thomas (General Secretary)
Rev. Fr. Saji Amayil (Vice President)
Mr. Sibi Mathai (General Secretary)
Rev. Fr. Varghese Mathew (Vice President)
Mr. Saji Mamprakuzhiyil (General Secretary)
Rev.Fr. Alexander Vattakattu (Vice President)
Mr. Mathew G Manoj (General Secretary)
Kottayam central
Rev. Fr. Mohan Joseph (Vice President)
Mr. A K Joseph (General Secretary)
Rev. Fr. Thomas P Zacharia (Vice President)
Mr. Sam Varghese (General Secretary)
Rev. Fr. Kuriakose Valayil (Vice President)
Mr. Aji Varghese (General Secretary)
Rev. Fr. Simon Joseph (Vice President)
Mr. Johnson K Abraham (General Secretary)
Kandanadu (west)
Rev. Fr. Jacob Kurian (Vice President)
Rev. Fr. Robin Markose (General Secreatry)
Kandanadu (east)
Rev. Fr. Jose, Vettikuzhiyil (Vice President)
Mr. Reji M Jacob (General Secretary)
Angamaly (west)
Rev. Fr. P N Thomaskutty (Vice President)
Mr. Chikku Abraham (General Secretary)
Angamaly (east)
Rev.Fr. Eldo Eliyas (Vice President)
Rev.Fr. Stephen George (Vice President)
Mr.K P Poly (General Secretary)
Rev. Fr. Thomas Kurian (Vice President)
Mr.Saji Andrews (General Secretary)
Sulthan Batheri
Rev.Fr.Mathews Vazhakunnam (Vice President)
Mr.K V Shaji (General Secretary)
Rev. Fr. Joy Pulikottil (Vice President)
Mr. Deepu K Thomas (General Secretary)
Mr. Anu Joy (General Secretary0
Rev.Fr. M S Geevarghese (Vice President)
Mr. Varghese Mathew (General Secretary)
Rev.Fr. Shaji Mathews (Vice President)
Mr. Jiji K Ninan (General Secretary)
Gulf Region
Mr. John P George (Secretary)
Programmes of the Movement
1. Youth Empowerment
• Means to identify the power and potentialities of the youth.
• Channelizing their strength towards peaceful purposes in the contemporary church and social scenario.
• Leading the youth to the main streams of the church and society at large.
• Addressing the present day issues more meaningfully through seminar, workshops, discussions and conferences.
• Activating talent development and guidance cells.
2. Proclamation of the Essence of the Living Word (Vachanatmaghosham)
3. Workshops and Handbook on Annual Theme
• Conducting Workshops on the annual theme ‘perspectives of outliving’
• Publishing a handbook on the theme.
• Making the youth aware of the contemporary issues.
• Enabling the youth to respond to the social issues.
4. Immigrant Cell
The formation of an emigrant cell is envisaged with a view to provide the expatriates and the job-seekers abroad with a help-desk and information centre. The cell will handle the problems of our people who are working outside Kerala , especially in Gulf countries. And also will give guidance and directions to the young people who are going outside for studies and employment. Mr .Vivyan Thomas (9447036550) and Mr.Renji Koshy (9446509170) will be in charge of the pravasi cell. People who need help in connection with certificate attestation, visa problems, immigration clearance etc may contact in the above numbers.
5. Seek your Brethren (In search of Brothers) [Sahodarangale Thedi]
It is alarming that thousands of our youth who work abroad especially in Gulf countries do not regularly attend the church services or engage in parish activities. Their personal and financial problems may be hurdles in establishing public contacts. But if they come to the main stream of parish life many of their problems can be shared and solved. Such people, especially the youth gradually gets deviated to other renewal groups.
The gulf region has proposed a project titled “Sahodarangale Thedi” (In search of brethren) to collect the details of the youth working in Gulf regions. The local Parishes in Kerala are expected to collect the details of the persons abroad and send the same to the central office.
6. Parumala Symposium
A Symposium on the spiritual life and social commitment of St.Gregorious of Parumala is to be held in Parumala in November.
7. Yuva Sangamam in Mount Horeb
A Youth Meet has been scheduled to be arranged at Mount Horeb to commemorate H.H Baselious Mathews II.
8. Youth Week
A week during Onam has been observed every year as Youth Week with variety of programmes, training sessions, house visits, cleaning, arts and sports festivals etc. are some among them.
9. Environment Day
The Church has declared August 26th as environmental day. Ecological seminars and awareness programmes will be arranged by the local youth movement units to observe the day. Eco friendly parishes should be made by planting trees in the premises.
10. Career guidance sessions
To take the youth to the vast realms of career opportunities and to give trainings to achieve the skills, career guidance sessions are arranged in various places.
11. Vachanatma Ghosham – Visual media programme.
In the world of media explosions, the movement must stand up to the standard a visual gospel programme is being planned to broadcast on various TV channels.
12. International Vision
• Broadening the horizon of the activities to envisage international views
• Forming registered units in all Parishes in India and abroad.
• Networking the programmes and preparing common agenda.
• Assuring the participation of the whole Youth of the Church both young men and women in India and abroad.
13. Publications
• Orthodox Yuvajanam – the official monthly of the movement reflecting the life of the Church, social concerns and activities of the movement at various levels.
• Parumala Punyavan – the video documentary of the historic life and mission of St.Gregorious of Parumala.
• Occasional and timely bulletin, pamphlets, circular and brochures.
14. Financial Assistance to the needy
Providing financial help to the needy viz. sick, educational, housing, and self employment aids. Dubai scholarships and Kuwait St.Gregorious Scholarships are two among them.
The Movement has ever been blessed with the visionary leaders who have nurtured and nourished the movement against the challenges of the time.
Bishop Presidents
iv) H G Mathews Mar Coorilos (H H Mathews II)
v) H G Daniel Mar Philexinos
vi) H G Thomas Mar Thimotheos (H H Didymos I)
vii) H G Ghevarghees Mar Osthathios
viii) H G Poulose Mar Milithiose
ix) H G Yakoob Mar Iranius
x) H G Yuhanon Mar Meletius (present)
General Secretaries.
1. .P E Daniel Clery (H G Mar Phlexinos) 1937-1947
2. Mr.TC Oommen (1948-50)
3. Rev Dr K.C.Oommen (Theophoros Ramban) (1948-50)
4. Rev Dr T G. John (1958-60)
5. Rev Dr T J. Joshua (1961-66)
6. Rev Dr TM. Varghese(1966-68)
7. Rev Fr Kurampil (1968-71)
8. Mr M Kuriakose, Kottayam (1971-76)
9. K M Mathew, Thiruvalla (1976-79)
10. Rev Dr Mathew Vaidyan (1979-81)
11. Rev Dr O Thomas (1981-90)
12. Rev.Fr.Kurien Daniel(1990-93)
13. Rev Fr.Jobson Kottapurathu (1993-96)
14. Rev.Fr M D John (1996-2001)
15. Rev Fr K Y Wilson (2001-2004)
16. Rev Fr Varghese Varghese (2004-2007)
17. Rev.Fr Spencer Koshy (2007 onwards)
Vice Presidents
1. Rev Fr M V George (H G Mar Osthathios)
2. Rev Fr P V Joseph (H G Mar Pachomios)
3. Rev Fr A T Gabriel
4. Rev Fr Joseph Vendarappally
5. Rev Fr Alex Kurampil
6. Rev Fr K T Mathewkutty
7. Rev Fr K T Varghese
8. Rev Fr E M Philip
9. Rev K V Paul
10. Rev Fr Mathew Varghese
11. Rev Fr Johnson Kallittathil
12. Rev Fr Ninan P Kuriakose
13. Rev Fr Koshy John (present)
1. Mr. George Varghese
2. Mr. C George, Thumapamon
3. Prof. D.Mathew, Thumpamon
4. Prof Abraham Thalavady, Thiruvalla
5. Mr. K M Mathew, Thiruvalla
6. Mr. T T Kuriakose, Kottayam
7. Mr. P T Pathrose, Thumpamon
8. Mr. K K Kuruvilla, Kottayam
9. Mr. M Yohannan, Niranam
10. Mr. A M Philip, Thumpamon
11. Mr. Joseph Joseph, Kottayam
12. Mr.T C Babukutty, Kollam
13. Mr. Mathew G Manoj, Chengannoor
14. Mr. Biju V Panthaplave, Kollam
15. Mr. Oommen John, Mavelikkara (Present
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